StockTrak Teams

StockTrak is often used as a group project in investments and finance classes, where two or more students jointly manage a portfolio. Until now, all students in a group would need to share a login – making it impossible to track individual activity and performance.

Enter StockTrak Teams!

How Does It Work?

With a regular StockTrak class, we give the option to let students enter more than one name on their account, which professors can see on their reports. However, this means professors cannot differentiate student activity in a group – this makes it difficult to utilize Assignments and to make sure all students “pull their weight”.

With our new “Teams” feature, each student instead registers their own separate account. Professors can then move students into “Teams” – each team having their own team name. Students still get their own portfolio (and see their individual standings), but all students in a team also have their portfolios aggregated into their Team Portfolio.

Team portfolios get a new separate rankings page (so students can see their team performance compared to their peers), and students can also see their own individual portfolio and their team portfolios separately. Team rankings are by percent return, so you can have teams with unequal numbers of team members while maintaining a level playing field.

“Teams” is currently only available for schools that have a site license for StockTrak – not classes where students pay by credit card/book code, or we invoice your school on a per-account basis. If you are interested in getting a site license for your school, or want more information on our new Teams, let us know and we’ll be happy to help!

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