Covering Personal Finance, Investing, Economics, Business, Accounting, Entrepreneurship topics.
Each instructor selects which group of lessons appear for their students.
Each lesson includes a “pop quiz” and students earn badges as they complete topics.
Our curriculum aligns to a variety of National and State Standards. This includes JumpStart, Council for Economic Education, and CTE Standards.
Our curriculum library includes over 50 Personal Finance lessons, over 50 Economics lessons, over 50 Introduction to Business lessons, and over 100 Investments lessons.
Our budget game can be used as supplement to other classroom materials, or it can be used as as self-paced exercise. Depending on the lessons selected, it can be as deep and thorough as needed.
A wide variety of reports and assessments provide the admin with complete visibility into each user’s progress through the game and his/her understanding of the pre-selected curriculum.
Our curriculum library has over 300 lessons aligned to state and national standards for Personal Finance, Economics, Business, Finance, and Accounting classes. Teachers can mix and match articles, videos, interactive widgets, and other activities. Each lesson takes 10 minutes or less to complete, with each ending with a “Pop Quiz” to ensure students comprehension. Teachers typically assign between 5 and 10 lessons per week, which students complete while also engaging with the stock and budgeting games. Since the curriculum is entirely web-based, it also works great as homework!
Our customizable lesson plan library shows how to integrate our lessons and activities with your classes. We designed our lesson plans to be flexible enough to be used on their own or combined with any of your favorite lessons you already use in class.
Request Demo Learn MoreWhat is a Stock?
This short lesson introduces students to the concept of a “stock”. We combine text, infographics, and videos, and wrap up with a pop quiz to measure comprehension.
Our curriculum aligns to state and national standards for Personal Finance, Economics, Accounting, Management, and Career Development classes.
We also took our most popular lessons and turned them into Google Slides and PowerPoint presentations to save you time! Download whichever you like and use them out-of-the-box or as a starting point for your own lessons!
Request Demo Learn MoreInstructors create their own assignments by pulling from our vast curriculum library.
Ideal for Personal Finance classes but also used in Campus-wide Financial Literacy Initiatives for all students.
Learn MorePersonal Finance, Business & Economics classes; but also used by Finance Academies and CTE programs nationwide.
Learn MoreWe white label our budgeting game for other educational organizations and for corporate employee education programs.
Learn MoreThe general public is welcome to use and learn by joining one of our monthly contests.
PersonalFinanceLab’s budget game, stock game, and curriculum library has tons of achievements, badges,
and rewards in store for students as they progress!
Students earn badges as they complete objectives and core learning concepts, and level up their badges
as they improve concept mastery! Badges are available even beyond your core class requirements,
encouraging students to explore and go “above and beyond”!
Find out about pricing plans on the virtual Stock-Trak
trading application and the new budget game.