Why CFA Universities Use Stock-Trak!

Over 1,300 professors, 80% of the top business schools, and many CFA-focused universities use Stock-Trak’s global portfolio simulation in their classes.

Customizable Class Simulations

Professors easily create portfolio simulations for their students and customizing the trading experience to meet their objectives.

Global Markets Coverage

Students can trade global equities, bonds, mutual funds, commodities, options, futures and forex from over 50 exchanges.

Built-in Assessments and Sharpe Ratio and Alpha Calculations

Built-in assignments and assessment verify student completion. Sharpe Ratio and portfolio Alpha calculations and rankings keep students engaged.

1,000+ professors
85K+ students yearly
2,000+ classes
Used by 80% of the Top US Business Schools
Online or In-Class Use
Sharpe Ratio
Jensen’s Alpha

Providing CFA-Focused Universities and their Students
Real-World Experience to Help Jumpstart their Careers

Stock-Trak was the highlight of my Finance degree and definitely helped me get my first job.

Increases Student Knowledge and Confidence

Whether you are teaching Investments, Portfolio Management, Derivatives, Corporate or Personal Finance, give your students the practical experience and confidence they need in their future CFA careers. Whether they become corporate analysts, financial advisors, portfolio managers or investment analysts, the Stock-Trak virtual trading platform will help get your students real-world ready.

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Ideal for all CFA Classes and Students

CFA Faculty enjoy the flexibility of the Stock-Trak platform and implement it in a variety of ways depending on the subject matter and student level. With the ability to customize the virtual trading parameters and integrated assignments, each professor creates their own unique learning experience for their students. Request Demo Contact Us Register Now

Class Ranking and Performance Reporting

  • Built-in assignments and quizzes to track and verify student completion
  • Assessments of student portfolio performance using such ratios as Sharpe Ratio, Jensen’s Alpha, Treynor and Information Ratio
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Education Through Gamification

Whether you are using our virtual stock market simulation or our personal budgeting game, each includes embedded curriculum to make sure students are learning each step of the way. Site licenses are available for larger programs, trading rooms, and campus wide financial literacy initiatives. Virtual Stock Trading Personal Budget Game

Give your students real-world training without the real-world risk by using the Stock-Trak virtual trading platform. Whether your students want to become portfolio managers, investment analysts or financial advisors, this virtual trading platform helps them prepare for their interview and their careers.

Lauren Minch, CFA, CPA

What students say about us


Recommended Use Cases

Personal Finance Faculty have used our budget games and virtual trading platform in classes in a variety of ways.
With the ability to customize the content to match your curriculum and time frame, the options are unlimited.


Who are we?

  • The leading provider of virtual trading applications for universities, high schools, corporations and the general public.
  • Our stock market simulation is used by 1,000 professors in 30 countries and their 60,000 students each year.
  • We are used in 80% of the top U.S. business schools.
  • Students can trade stocks, options, futures, bonds, mutual funds, future options and forex.
  • Includes 50 global exchanges such as NYSE, AMEX, NASDAQ, TSX, London, Euronext (Amsterdam, Brussels, Lisbon, Paris), Frankfurt, Ireland, Prague, Vienna, Zurich, Warsaw, Mexico, Brazil, Bombay, Hong Kong, KL, New Zealand, Seoul, Shanghai, Singapore, Sydney and Taiwan.

How it works?

Students receive $500,000 (or any amount of your choosing) in a virtual brokerage account. They use this cash to manage a portfolio for the duration of the class with our stock simulation.

This portfolio includes stocks, options, futures, bonds, mutual funds, currencies and other securities from 50 global exchanges.

Learn more

Learn how easy it is to create a virtual stock trading contest for your class, club or organization.

See how you can customize your trading contest for your class by choosing the dates, initial cash balance, currency, global stock exchanges, commission structure, diversification rules, etc.

Find answers to other common questions and learn everything
you need to know so you can use Stock-Trak like a pro.

View FAQ Request Demo Contact Us Register as a Professor

Student Accounts and Site License Pricing

Find out about pricing plans on the virtual Stock-Trak
trading application and the new budget game.