Personal Budgeting Game For Colleges and Financial Literacy Projects

We have been the leader in realistic investing simulations for colleges and universities for over 30 years. Beyond the typical Investments, Portfolio Management, Derivatives, and Economics classes, our platform has seen growing numbers of Personal Finance and Financial Literacy classes adopting it as well.

After almost 2 years of collaboration with several faculty and many students, StockTrak is now pleased to announce our new Personal Budgeting Game!

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About The Personal Budgeting Game

With our Budgeting Game, your students will take on the role of fresh college graduates who have just started their first full-time job. They play through a simulated “year”, where each virtual “month” takes about 20 minutes to complete.

As students roll the dice to progress through the game, they are challenged to set (and meet) savings goals, build (and keep) their monthly budget, pay their bills on time, manage their limited income with unlimited wants, deal with many expected and unexpected decisions and costs, and choose how to spend their free time.

As students play the game, they learn to manage their checking and savings accounts, they learn to use their debit and credit cards appropriately, they learn to pay bills on time and watch their credit score grow, they learn about insurance and deductibles, they learn how to fill out a tax return, and they learn to appreciate their overall quality of life as well.

We know that students love rankings, and on the Budget Game the students’ Game Score grows as they:

  • Set and attain monthly savings goals
  • Build their Emergency Fund by regularly transferring money to their savings account (and not taking it out)
  • Building their Credit Score through responsible use of their credit card
  • And improving their Quality of Life by spending money strategically on luxuries (so long as it is within their budget),spending time with friends and family, and spending time and money to improve their overall knowledge and skill sets

Using The Budget Game With Your Classes

Our Budgeting Game will be fully-integrated with the StockTrak portfolio simulation. When professors register, they need to select our “Personal Finance” service level to allow access to the Budget Game. This means students in your Personal Financed classes can use our complete Personal Finance Curriculum, our U.S. stock/bond/mutual fund simulation, and our new Budget Game simultaneously – creating an extremely powerful and engaging resource for any financial literacy classroom!

Using the StockTrak Platform for a College-Wide Financial Literacy Projects

By combining our Budget Game, Stock Game, and Personal Finance Curriculum with built-in assessments, schools can also host department-wide or university-wide financial literacy initiatives with a StockTrak Site License.

Shouldn’t every Business Student that graduates from your university have some exposure to Personal Finance, Savings, and Investing? Now they can!

Fully-customized licenses are also available for trading rooms, customized with your school or sponsor/donor’s logos, colors, customized landing pages, and more!

Book A Demo

Nearly every element of your class’s budget game is customizable to suit your class. This includes:

  • If your students immediately start with a full-time job, or if the first 6 months of the game start with the student still in school with just a part-time job
  • Starting checking and savings account balances
  • Base amounts students pay for every bill type
  • Types of events that occur in game (which can be customized as your game progresses, to highlight topics you are covering in class)
  • …and much more!

StockTrak’s Budget Game, Curriculum, and Stock Game starts at $19.95 per student, with discounts available for multiple classes or larger programs. The license fee can be paid either by the school by an invoice sent to the Professor, or by the student at the time of registration.

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