Examine the issues of managing in the global environment

  • Recognize the legal issues related to managing a business in the global environment
  • Examine and determine the impact of laws and regulations governing global business
  • Recognize the economic impact of laws and regulations governing global business
  • Identify global economic factors that impact business
  • Identify approaches used by global business firms
  • Analyze the impact of the global economy on business profitability
  • Discuss the impact of diversity within the global environment
  • Identify the advantages of a diverse workforce
  • Recognize the benefits and challenges in managing a diverse workplace
  • Identify strategies for managing a culturally diverse workforce
  • Identify strategies for achieving common objectives in a diverse cultural environment
  • Define forms of global partnering (e.g., licensing, joint ventures, exporting, importing, and franchising)
  • Identify business that have global partners
  • Analyze the benefits of global partnering
  • Explain the impact of internationalization on the various functional areas of business
  • Analyze business situations to determine opportunities for global partnering

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