When making trades, you must know the ticker symbol of the securities to be traded. Go to the ‘Symbol Lookup’ page under the “Quotes/Research” tab and enter the full or partial company name and click “Search”.
When making trades, you must know the ticker symbol of the securities to be traded. Go to the ‘Symbol Lookup’ page under the “Quotes/Research” tab and enter the full or partial company name and click “Search”.
Yes, short selling is permitted and short orders do not need an uptick to be filled. You can short sell stocks that are priced greater than $3.00. Proceeds from a short sell are restricted and cannot be used to buy additional stocks. You can view the proceeds from shorts as ‘Short Balance’ on your account Read More…
Yes, we allow stock trades on many different exchanges across Latin America, Europe and Asia as well as North America as long as the tournament you are in has allowed it.
No, you cannot trade halted, restricted and blocked stocks. Any trade that is confirmed after trading has been halted will be reversed.