Trading Notes are comment and explanations that can be added per each trade and order. Professors can see the reasoning of an action and the comments by adding a Note. To add/view a note, users can click on “Add/View Notes” in the Order History or Transaction History.
In order to cancel your account, please use the contact us form and our help desk will assist you in canceling your account. For individual investors, we offer a 30-day money back guarantee, no questions asked.
This message usually pops-up when the class name is not entered correctly. To receive the exact class code, please fill the form at the bottom of this page with the following information: Name of your professor Name of your institution Class name and class code
Stock-Trak allows trading of Equities(stocks), Mutual Funds, Bonds, Options, Spots, Futures and Future Options. It is up to the class creator to decide what securities are allowed to be traded in his/her game.
Yes, each day we receive an updated list of stocks that have split or have paid a dividend. The dividends and splits are then accounted for on the website. If we happen to have missed one, please fill the form below so that we can apply it.