4-07 Popular Analysts and Websites

There is an astounding volume of information available from a myriad of “experts” and a plethora of websites. Most are useful to people, but you’ll decide which sources are most useful to YOU. Here is some information on a few popular sources.

  • MSN Money: Offering you stock quotes, financial news, rumors, strategies, and blogs, MSN Money can serve as a supermarket of investing data for the newer or experienced investor. Microsoft has expanded and better focused this source over the years. It now offers a potpourri of investment and financial information for all investors. Yahoo and AOL have similar investing websites for your knowledge base.
  • The Motley Fool: Fool.com is an always-interesting mix of financial news, investment strategies, and large doses of humor. Don’t be “fooled” by the strong injection of humor, the Motley Fool offers hard hitting, serious news and opinion. Tom and Dave Gardner and their talented staff have been delivering their unique and informed message since 1993 and the Fool is now a full-service financial media enterprise. If you’d like your investing information tinged with some pleasant sarcasm and edgy humor, the Fool might be perfect.
  • Cramer: Jim Cramer, host of CNBC’s Mad Money and co-founder of TheStreet.com, is a journalist, lawyer, and “infotainer” (his term). He has been dispensing financial and investment information to anyone listening since the mid-1990s. If you need a break from reading financial statements or waiting for your stock screener to advise you of your next hot investment, Cramer might add some zest into your existence. Also a former hedge fund manager, Cramer has been in the investment trenches for some time. You may not agree with all that he says, but you will be informed and entertained.
  • Other Sources: There is a wealth of additional information available to reinforce your investing career. Get on your Internet surfboard and visit some of the many websites devoted to investment news and strategy. If you’ve traded in your rabbit-ears antenna for a cable, fiber optic, or satellite connection, you’ll find more information and strong opinions on many TV shows dedicated to finance and investing.

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